The Idol review — a satirical underboob bikini top? I fear not
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The Idol review — a satirical underboob bikini top? I fear not

Aug 04, 2023

The pop star Jocelyn has her satin dressing gown hanging open and a hospital bracelet on her wrist. One of her flunkies is concerned. "Are we," he says, "romanticising mental illness?"

"Absolutely!" explains an executive from the record company because "if you live in Sioux City, Iowa, you are never going to meet a girl like Jocelyn". And, this executive adds, even if by some strange and remote chance you did, then "she is still never, ever going to f*** you. Unless she has some very, very serious mental problems. And that, right there, is why mental illness is sexy."

Satire-wise, that's pretty good. Right? Not Oscar Wilde, maybe, but sharp and savage when said in cold blood, and bang on, too, as an exposition